La Rochette pass by bicycle.
Dans le secteur de Lagrand
Dans le secteur de Lagrand - CCSB

La Rochette pass by bicycle.

Discovery trail
Summit and pass
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An easy ride around Lagrand lake, Buëch, Blaisance and Céans valleys. The trail main difficulty is the steady rise of La Rochette but the panoramic view at the summit is worth the effort.


  1. From Pont-Lagrand, go towards the main roundabout and take the Tréscléoux road at the north. Then go towards le Vallon des Lunasses alongside the Buëch (departmental road D 350). Overpass the Adrech mountain stream. Once the departmental road D 50 reached turn left to Pont Barnabas. Go through the small pass of la Rochette. Go on the departmental road D 50. There, you can see some cultures and orchards.
  2. A few meters after Merdariac mountain stream and La Flachière hamlet take the departmental road D 949 on the left near la Tuilière. The route passes nearby the Garde Mountain.
  3. At 616 meters high (halfway between the Blache Hamlet and Pont Lagrand) turn right on the Auchière way. Cross the Blaisance and take the farms path on the left.
  4. At the junction (661 meters), turn left towards Champ Jouvent (still on the farms way).
  5. Reach the departmental road D 30 and turn left towards Pont Lagrand.
  • Towns crossed : Garde-Colombe, Trescléoux, and Méreuil


Altimetric profile


  • The low elevation gain makes the ride suitable for beginners.
  • The Sisteronais Buëch is labelled « Espace Cyclosport » by the Cycling French Federation and meet some welcoming quality criterion for road cycling cyclist.

Information desks

Place des Aires, 05300 Laragne-Montéglin

http://www.sisteron-buech.frlaragne@sisteron-buech.fr04 92 65 09 38

Access and parking

From Laragne (6 km), take the departmental road D 1075 to the north and then the departmental road D 949 on the left (at Eyguians junction) to reach Pont Lagrand.

Parking :

Parking: Parking lot in Pont Lagrand.

More information

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